I was in The Village of the Arts - a local art community here two years ago and stepped in to this studio... I could NOT believe what I saw... a simple painting of someone dancing in red... only it looked like they were coming down a hill... it brought me right back to Zimbabwe and I HAD to have the painting... it is hanging in our family room - a place of honor.
And now today I am checking out some of my favorite fabric sites (looking for sales they are advertising) and I came across some fabric that again... just flooded my mind with memories from this wonderful, exciting trip.
These fabric swatches remind me so much of my time with my Nain (my grandma) in Zimbabwe, Africa... amazing. They always wore such mix-matchy clothes and carrying EVERYTHING on their heads.
But I will NEVER... no NEVER forget that woman... running down the hill singing in her native tongue and praising God we were finally there (the bus was ALWAYS late due to road conditions and being late everywhere else)...that sun setting behind her and the hill and her red dress just A GLOW - on FIRE... What a blessed, miraculous site. These fabric swatches both remind me of her, my Nain, and my life changing time in Zimbabwe.
This one - I think it reminded me because it was the lady in red dancing...
(I had nice large images... but apparently the blog didn't like those.... so when i order the fabric - I can take a better photo)
But it is this one that is the REAL one that caught my eye....brings back HUGE memories!
Hmmmm... maybe I will make something with them? Just as a reminder...
I've always wanted to go to Africa, someday! the fabric pics didn't show up on my comp but I'm sure they are pretty cool. Can't wait to see what you make next!