One of our creations is being given away on the lovely SUNNY VANILLA'S blog!! Make sure you check it out here!!
Jen from SUNNY VANILLA is celebrating a "blogiversary" - blogging for one year this week! She is a sweetheart and I have loved to getting to know her! Congratulations SUNNY VANILLA! We love you and love your blog and creations!!
Mr Safety Man (hubby) and I are just starting our business and getting it to grow. We love a lot of different mediums for our art forms - mostly concentrating in clay (porcelain, raku), glass, yarn (crocheting/knitting) and textile... thus the reason we're called 'mArrineR's monTage' - creating ART to beautify life!! We are enjoying every minute of our little store. It's been a dream of mine and Mr Safety Man just jumped in with both feet to help satisfy his artistic side and work alongside me. Our two young daughters LOVE being a part of mArrineR's monTage. It is wonderful to see their artistic personalities blossom while mummy and daddy work on our artwork!!
Welcome to everyone coming from Sunny Vanilla!! We are so happy to have you visit!!
This blog is going through a bit of a transition - but I hope to have a few crafts, goings-on with mArrineR's monTage and musings on life as a mom of two girls!!
Glad you're here!!
Slow Start
1 week ago