Why is it when you become a Mommy - your heart LEAPS out of your chest at least a million times a day... ok maybe not quite so much - but enough that I think I have shortened my life by maybe 5-7 years... AND gotten MANY white hairs due to it as well!!
I had one of these bad, SCARY Mommy moments the other night after school. I could tell that Boo was not 100% - she said her "bones hurt" - so I got her in a nice toasty bath, washed her up, and let her "play". I continued to fix dinner and get things ready for the evening.
I called her upon supper being ready... No reply...
Tidied something up... called her again... No Reply...
So I went to go get her...
She was floating in the water with her eyes closed.
Just lying there. My heart lept (GOTTA listen to your intuition ladies). I thought she was fooling around, told Chris "I think Boo's sleeping", & I went around the corner grabbing my camera to take a photo. Then I got this yuck feeling that she wasn't kidding... that perhaps she really was sleeping...
The flash came... NO Reply...

i don't even like looking at this photo... still...
OK so Chris and I both called her... NO rEpLy (panic... Panic... PaNiC...)
PANIC has now reached an
all time HIGH... I shake her shoulder carefully so as not to startle her and make her go under the water...
...................NO REPLY...................
Then once more I pet her shoulder grasping it and and becoming a bit more frantic...
She flutters those ANGELIC eyelids open...
...and I start to finally breath again!
She peered at me quite confused. I gathered her up and hugged her tight in her towel. She was sooo nice and toasty warm and "Mame" (mommy) was so relieved and full of that mother's instant love I had to just hold her for awhile. Poor Boo wasn't feeling well at all - that she just fell asleep in the tub with only a small circle of her face above the water... after all "it was cozzzy 'Mame'...".
Chris told me LATER he could see her chest rising and falling ...he was trying to calm me down... hmmmm really?!?! Even when I think about it now - it still makes my heart just 'bottom out'. I could really use a lot less of these presque heart failures. It would mean a lot less white hairs - and I am kind of partial to my hair color as is!!
These scary Mommy moments make you really realize what precious gifts God has given to us. How blessed we are for what we have. And how much I adore my little girls.