Thursday, January 7, 2010


Ok - so my 12-week post-op visit to my neurosurgeon was the Tuesday that the kiddos went back to school after winter break (good planning on my part eh?!).

I will fully admit I was COMPLETELY and UTTERLY a nervous wreck the night before and next morning before the appointment. I felt that maybe I had screwed something up... after all I have been "over-doing things" for quite some time now! It's hard to sit around and "rest" when you're feeling so much better!!

All our prayers, all the resting, all the stress of healing, all my WONDERFUL Safety-Man's hard work, well it paid off!!! Thank you so much Lord. I cannot believe how far I've come in 3 months.

I AM OFFICIALLY FUSED!!! Yes! YES! YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! I am so excited! I had x-rays done (again) and this time they ASKED me to BEND! I got to bend legitimately... backwards and forwards! I will admit - it wasn't very comfortable. But I wasn't "cheating" so it felt GREAT! The x-rays showed that my L5-S1 vertebrae have fused.


I am still concerned about mobility & some residual pain. I still have quite a lot of physical therapy to do. I cannot go play tennis right away, or run as long as I used to (well at all right now)... however the possibility is there! I will give PT my very all. I will work hard to get these muscles toned, strong, and flexible. This I promise. And you can hold me to it!
I got home from the appointment excited, tired from the stress I have been putting on myself (and cold! It's been in the 30's/40's here). I think that is why - my back decided to hurt for the next 24 hours. And by hurt I mean an incredible HURT, once again debilitating! I was in so much pain. And to top things off - my right leg started it's nerve pain (let me tell you - it's not fun). It made me so frustrated, so angry. But as I laid there - trying not succomb to it (it won that round). I think that it was God's way of reminding me - that I am not out of the clear yet...that there is a lot of work, rest, and TLC that I need to continue. I want to progress not regress. I will heed this example. I will take care of myself. Again... this I promise to myself, my family, and my friends. We all want a whole Kymmie back. It's just not fun otherwise.

For now... I am just so excited that I am officially being called NORMAL - ok well close enough(no comments from the peanut gallery there... hahahaha)! I have been released to take things slowly and I do not need to see my WONDERFUL, AWESOME, neurosurgeon until July (unless things do not continue to progress... which they will... so SEE YA in JULY Dr. S!!!)!!!

Things are looking up...

Now it's back to the daily grind... the things that I actually did miss believe it or not... (chores, helping with homework, doing the laundry...) yeah well I am sure it will get old VERY fast... but hey - at least my dear Safety-Man is happy "Kymmie's" back now!!!

I will post the x-rays of the progression of my spinal fusion - (the most recent -showing full fusion- is still in Safety-Man's car) in another post! It is pretty neat to see the changes!!!

THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN to all my family and friends who have helped me progress to this point. I cannot thank you enough. I wouldn't be where I am now - if it were not for you guys. I am so blessed to be able to heal the way I did and also to have such a phenominal support system.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KYMMIE'S BACK!!!!
I am working on getting 100% - but am feeling over the top!!!
Like I said... as normal as I can actually be...


  1. It's always good to be Normal, at least for one brief period in one's life! (Sorry - the gallery couln't resist). Even for someone given to superlatives, the account comes across as very reassuring. But remember - it's not a step function: from be careful to full speed. It's a release to gradually move into activities, and not all at once, necessarily. This is your Mother talking, and not to be taken lightly.

  2. Yaaaaaay! (Hey, I know when that photo was taken!!!!) LOVE YOU

  3. Now that I'm not on my phone, and can actually write more (I'm still learning the whole texting thing!), I agree with Mom. Sorry, but it's true! LOVE YOU!
