Tuesday, August 2, 2011

School Prep...

Ugh... I did it. I bit the bullet and did the school shopping and uniform shopping. I am so not happy with doing it. I wanted to stay in my SUMMER mode. DENIAL  that summer was coming to a close. But I did it. I spent a gazillion dollars on Sweetpea's new (gulp) middle school uniform. And than I spent another beaucoup bucks on supplies and a few more uniform pieces for BooBooBear... OH BOY... it hurt. A lot.  Not just because we spent so much money (although - that wasn't fun)... but I realized summer was almost over and I wouldn't have my girls all to myself anymore. It's becoming acutely obvious that I cannot avoid the fact that my first baby girl is growing up faster than I wanted her to...

I thought about sharing something she wanted to buy at the store - that just clinched it for me that she was getting so big - too fast. (But I think that one I'll just keep in the memory banks suffice it to say that she'd kill me if I wrote it out... hahaha).

I really wanted to do some more "learning" this summer with them, to keep them fresh. I know I am talking like the summer is completely over... and it's not.  I still want to have a lot more fun with my baby girls... and maybe do some reading and a little math... possibly some French in there as well! But if it doesn't get done... well I am deciding that I am still ok with it. Kiddos should be kiddos during the summer and I don't want them to lose that. We will still continue our reading and a little math etc here and there BUT...the last few weeks of summer  we're going to have fun just hanging out, playing, and doing fun things together.  We have our family vacation coming soon... that is ALWAYS the best time together as a family.

Hello August... I won't be sad of your arrival and what it means. 
I will embrace you and celebrate that it means to have the best 3 weeks before school.
I want to be with my girls for the rest of the summer and enjoy them.

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