Sunday, August 23, 2009

What a wonderful journey it's been... (2nd edit)

WOW is school really starting tomorrow... ?

I started my evening quiet time with a prayer, which led to tears, which lead to my soul singing and crying at the same time. I cannot believe how big my baby girls have grown. I cannot believe our "calm" and fun summer has come to a close. I cannot believe that they start school - one a FOURTH (Oh my good gracious is that really true? FOURTH grade?) and my baby in FIRST grade... how is this possible? We had such a great summer.

I am going on record to say... I LOVE SUMMERS. Well we all do right? Well I love summers because I get to spend the entire summer with my girls. I just want to keep them close and do LOTS of fun things together...I don't understand parents who "can't wait to get rid of their kids" - those thoughts just never really pass thru my mind! And for the most part this summer I think we did do fun things together and have a GREAT summer. I hope that my girls treasured their summer as much as I have.

During this quiet time tonight - as I was praying and trying to get a grip on tomorrow... I prayed so hard that the girls DID have a wonderful summer and that we made many, happy memories together... I know some of mine. But I also remember some of my not-so-great Momma moments... Sigh... I truly hope that they don't remember these times of short-tempered, or hurting days (that slowed down our summer) that I remember. I prayed thankfulness that the good days surpassed the bad. I hope they didn't mind too too much that this summer Momma had to take it easy... I truly hope.

Now school starts tomorrow and I will be alone in the house for the first time in quite awhile... I have specifically left things to do from our recent vacation. So that should help keep me occupied. I think I will also get lost in a good book for awhile.

We started tonight off with making a list of the daily activities so there was no confusion and I am to write up the family schedule ASAP and get it posted. I also decided that our family needed a theme for the year an idea that I recently read about in a wonderful blog I follow by a woman that just adores her family. I definitely will get back to her & her amazing attitude in a later blog (thank you Nie!) - but something just clicked while reading her blog and I knew... our family needed a theme as well...Something to concentrate upon... something to keep our family focused this year and not so chaotic... so I borrowed her idea and now...we have something that would keep our hearts and minds focused on what matters the most to us, God and our family.

I came up with:
Be Prepared
Listen and Follow with Your Heart
It's really quite simple... we wrote down our family thoughts on what it meant... they all were my favorite. Littlest Boo responded "it means to follow Jesus of course"... yes angel - you are more right than you know! Sooo I need to take my own advice. I need to be prepared for tomorrow. I need to be prepared mentally and physically. I am leaving my anxieties to the Lord (and with help from my good friends lol) and I am listening to my heart and allowing it to mourn the ending of one phase... but feel I am lead to rejoice in this new stage. There are most definitely anxieties wrapped up in a closing of one year to another. I will feel these different emotions listening and following my heart - but I will also move past them and try to take the wonderful new year for what it is.... more growing with my children - new phases and new discoveries. I will LISTEN with my heart to my girls... taking in every moment.
This week brings changes and they are all not good ones- and I think that's where I am anxious. Having our wonderful vacay at the end of the summer was fantastic - but bittersweet as well. Too soon the week was over and my parents/brother flew back to UT...too soon the fun and relaxtion was stopped and now my girls are going and I will make some TOUGH health decisions and choices this week.
Cast your anxieties upon the Lord!!
It's been a good - no great summer! But hopefully it will be a great school year as well!! I pray to be strong for the girls tomorrow and only boohoo when they cannot see me! (And I am not a crier!).
Thank you for the memories mes filles... it was a fantastic summer.
my girls are my muses tonight...

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