Sunday, May 15, 2011


chirp chirp chirp...

It's very quiet. A nice quiet... you know? You know... like in a comedy where... the sound of crickets may be used to humorously indicate a dead silence when a response or activity is expected??

Well our house has become that comedy... it cracks me up! You see we have two leopard geckos now.
Meet Zeela and Lily.
They are really pretty darn cute! Surprisingly CUTE!
 And when we first got them they had to eat tiny crickets - tiny crickets don't chirp... Now as our geckos (Zeela and Lily) grow bigger...they need bigger crickets!!  And these lovely larger crickets well they just CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP away... at all times... alllll times. At times I find it rather soothing... others... let's just say it can drive you a bit bonkers. Mr Safety Man wants to go back to lil' crickets. It definitely drives him BONKERS!

Working late at night - the sound actually really is pleasant to me. It reminds me of my grandparents houses... in upstate NY. Just quiet lovely sounds...

Quiet. Chirp. Quiet. Chirp...Chirp...chirp.


  1. (I totally agree... but it's the worms that get me!! hahaha)

  2. how cute! haha we are going to get a fish take, I can't wait to hear the sound of water throughout the house. :) miss you guys!
