Thursday, September 22, 2011

Will this week ever end?

I feel like ca-ca. There I said it. I actually had to stay home from school (teeheehee that sounds funny) because I feel so blecky. It's a bunch of things wrapped in to one shell of a person today... but I will feel better soon.

I was told by my GOOD Dr (the one I trust completely whom I know has my best interest at heart & doesn't try to shove a bunch of chemicals at me) that I had to take care of me - in order to combat the overwhelming feelings, the not-feeling-100% ALL THE TIME - feelings, and just lack of energy. 
So I e-mailed the teachers I won't be in and am off to take a nappy... I feel guilty - but I don't want to get more run down and get them sick either. I've got a lot to do - but if I get more sick I won't be able to do it right? (Notice the inner war here??)

Most of the obligations are done for the week - Today for the most part I can relax. But yet there are quite a few others coming up. I have to do my lists - and that will help me for sure. I just am lacking the energy. Two nights in a row I've fallen asleep on the couch before 10pm! That is UNHEARD OF for me...

Plus I miss my baby girls today... It was not the greatest mornings for any of us so that didn't help.
Taken at Easter - but love the photo
Hmmmm a nap?! I haven't taken one of those in so long... I hope I wake up with minus one doozy of a headache and no rest of the aches and pains. Moosey will snuggle with me... I guarantee he will jump on the bed when I'm fast asleep and he's so sneaky I won't figure it out until I wake. Silly 90lbs puppy!!
Yes he steals my empty bottles from the recycling...silly puppy!

The bed's calling me...

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