Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I am so excited...

More to come in the next few days since we are finally on vacation... but just something really quick... I AM SELLING OVER 25 of my Holiday Jewelry Line!! A wonderful friend of mine wore something I gave her to the hospital where she works today and had TONS of people coming up to her asking her about them and if they were for sale... She called me up and said that she wanted me to get 'em ready and she would take them to work tomorrow!! I am so giggly with excitement! I worked a long afternoon giving EVERY piece (52+) my attention and finishing them up (will post some photos tomorrow...)!! I hope some sell tomorrow... wish me luck!!!

Here's the write-up I created for the pieces...

Earrings and pendants are made from a beautiful white porcelain clay body. They are light and fun to wear! Each one is stamped using my own handmade molds, hand-shaped and smoothed, kiln fired, and meticulously hand-glazed – using a variety of techniques. Finally they are finished with a clear glaze to give it that extra Holiday SPARKLE!
They feature playful, whimsical holiday themes. The backs have been left unglazed ~ especially with the pendants so that, if you like, you can spray it with your favorite perfume or cologne; making your scent last longer and diffusing it by the warmth of your body. They hang from delicate Sterling Silver hook, clasp, & fastenings.
Earrings - $15.00
Pendants - $15.00
Earring & Pendant sets - $25.00
Please make checks payable to Kymmie Marriner!
Thank you so much for your interest and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

Here's hoping... Christmas is here... bringing good cheer...


  1. I love the write up. How did it go? I LOOOOOVE my hair clip and earrings by the way. LOVE them! THANK YOU!!! :)
