Friday, April 23, 2010

Freeport photos...

LL Bean was amazing and so many changes! I couldn't believe it! We were not so impressed with the poor moose on the wall... WE LOVE MOOSE!! The children's section was FABULOUS... even the bears were attacking the girls with love... it was so much fun! Check out the new fish tank with the observation "bubble"! AMAZING.

Some Yo Yo's on a quilt...the EXACT thing I want to do with my girl's fave shirts... My friend, Amy and Grammy San's going to have to re-teach me...(pleeeease?). Check out the church... established 1789!! WOW! I love that history! Spring was also arriving...DAFFODILS!

The Inn where we stayed... but the best parts that kept us going... Chris' MOXIE - Maine soda and Kymmie's Lobstah roll... yummmmm BABYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

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