No matter how hard I tried to avoid it... the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL came!! Oh my girls were so cute and ready to go. Ms Boo was a bit worried the night before. She has 2 new teachers this a lot is changing. And well... Boo doesn't do well with change. Her room, where she sits when she comes off the bus, lunchtime, where to catch the bus all are different this year. She was full of questions and worries and I answered and re-assured as best as I could with love & hugs.
curls for the first day
We started the morning with a nice breakfast and the obligatory photos leaving the house...
We drove the girls to school in the pouring rain!! Bleck - we were SOAKED!! But they kept smiling!!
We dropped them off in their classrooms.
Kyky's teacher was the same as last year so she was as 'cool as a cucumber'... or is it 'a cat'? O schmo... I dunno what's the right saying?? - but she was like "SEE YA Momma and Daddy!!". It was so cute!!
When they got off the bus in the afternoon... they were all a-smilin' and all had a great day! Boo's first comment - "I LOVE MY NEW TEACHERS! They are so nice!" *YES*!
They even like their new bus driver! *Double YES*!!
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