Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A day to remember...

Well I am telling you... it has not been my week... (even though today's Monday). I have been down, tired, hurting, upset, & stressed... HOWEVER... my last post was about the journey - not the destination. To look at the little things and be happy... so I have been telling myself to "GET OVER me and stop dwelling on the negative".

Well I forced myself out of bed this AM (after another LATE night of no sleep) and little Boo had a list of what we were to do today (you see - it was just the two of us today and I wanted her to have a GREAT day). It went something like this:
"Things to Do. Cep

Crac fo Coyt. Pant

My Bol.

Pik yellow


PLay Pale


Wach a Mvee.

Go to The


aNd Boo (backwards B)"
(Translation if you must... and must I didn't I am proud to say: Keep track of Couette (coo-yett in Boo lang) -her special blankie since she was BORN). Paint my bowl. Pick yellow tomatoes (I am growing in my aero-garden). Play Polly Pockets. Watch a movie. Go to the beach. Mommy and Boo).
This was my Boo's list and it just lit my heart on fire. I knew that no matter what...(and especially after preaching to myself in my post, last night, about "the little things") I needed to do as much as I could on that list with Boo today. I needed to really be in the moment today with her. Ya see, I want excellent memories for her of time spent with me for BOTH my girls. I find it tres tres important.

So... after I used up all the hot water to loosen my back, packed up, we set out to the beach. See I thought we could hit 2 things on her list at once! We played Polly pockets ON the beach!!! AH ha HA!! Smart thinking Mame...!!! It started off a bit rocky. On the way to the beach Mame had a little break-down and needed Mr Daddy's help. He did what Mr Daddy does and tried to fix me... saying "do you know how many mom's out there REALLY wish that they could do what you're doin'?". Honestly... it didn't make me mad... very sad that I was feeling the way I was and guilty too. Why was I blubbering on about everything. But he didn't say it to offend me - only to get me to grab on to my baby and cherish this day.
Sure things were not perfect with certain situations arising... but ya know... this day was perfect for us - Mame and BooBooBear. At first I had to force myself to get moving and really BE with Boo... but then it was so much fun! SO MUCH FUN!
And do you know we did EVERYTHING and THEN some on that list!??!
Yes we did...

Musing on a great... no... on a PERFECT day!


  1. Sounds like you need to call Deb Post RIGHT AWAY. This is nothing for you to feel guilty about. I've been there. Call her tomorrow.

  2. Thanks Amy... it's been a bad week...
